(That's how I used to store my make-up until recently, when I moved into my new apartment (slash room lol) in Zurich)
About me...
“Don't you long for something different to happen,
something so exciting and new it carries you along with it like a great
tide, something that lets your life blaze and burn so the whole world
can see it?” (Juliet Marillier)
Hey y'all
Before I start writing all sorts of posts about my favorite nude lipstick or my favorite peach blush, I might as well give you some information on who you're dealing with here :) Instead of preparing a huuuuge text that nobody will ever want to attempt to go through, I will give you some (more or less interesting) facts on myself. Be aware though that I'm pretty much normal (whatever that is). So don't expect to hear about stories that have me flying to the moon or hunting down a criminal. Nope. I'm pretty boring actually. Let's get it started already.
1. I'm Swiss.
2. I live in Switzerland.
3. I'm incredibly fascinated by the US and hope to live on the West Coast one day.
4. I even spent a year studying at NAU in Flagstaff (Arizona).
5. Let's just say it was the most amazing (and craziest!!!) year ever.
6. I'm doing an internship at a Swiss publisher's for a year.
7. I still haven't really figured out what I want to do with my life.
8. And I'm already 23 years old. Hopeless case?
9. I do have a passion for storytelling though.
10. I used to write A LOT when I was younger, but I've been having a writer's block for the last 4 years.
11. That's probably because I expect too much of myself and it won't change unless I find a way to stop obsessing about every single mistake I make. I'm also a pretty passionate and sensitive person.
12. I finished my Bachelor's degree last fall.
13. Unlike with books, I wasn't interested in make-up at all until like 2 years ago.
14. Back in the day I was addicted to every shade nail polish out there.
15. However, I started my job at Starbucks right after I got back from Arizona and I wasn't allowed to wear nail polish or jewelry (siiiigh!!).
16. But since I've always been fascinated by everything that's somehow artsy, I started getting more into make-up. I began watching videos on youtube and reading various other blogs. I love Essie Button, Lily Melrose and makeupbyalli, just to name a few.
17. I somehow managed to compile a huge stash of make-up.
18. I'm especially drawn towards lipsticks. All the gorgeous colors out that make me swoooooon.
19. I'm pretty tall. Like almost 5'8'' (172cm-ish) tall.
20. My feet are pretty big as well. I don't like them. Neither do I like my hands (yes, I've managed to get tons of scars from working at Starbucks). Oh and if I could, I'd be a brunette. But I'm too much of a coward to change hair colors (and everybody has basically been telling me to stay blonde).
21. I started my internship 3 weeks ago and I have yet to rediscover nail polish. I'm allowed to wear it at the office, but it's too much of a hassle. I'm still way more into eyeshadows and lipsticks.
22. I'm trying to go on a low-buy for 2014. I bought tons of clothes and make-up last year while I was making decent money at Starbucks, but I barely earn any money doing my internship (third world problems, I know).
23. I'm a huge daydreamer. Every now and then it happens that I get totally lost in my thoughts, like I totally blackout. My friends know that about me and think it's pretty funny that I lose focus and delve into different hemispheres while they're trying to talk to me. Ups. lol
24. I studied (and still study, I guess) English as a major. While I like linguistics and cultural studies, I'm most interested in literature. I love going into a good bookshop and just get lost in there for like an hour... or four.
25. I love chocolate. Hey, I'm Swiss after all.
So I guess that's it for now. If there's anything else you'd like to learn about me, just let me know in the comments below.
(a couple of pictures to give you a better idea of who I am :))