
Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Thoughts of the Day

Hey guys

First of all, my blog finally has a proper layout. Yey, I'm so happy. If I didn't have to get up at 6am tomorrow, I'd definitely go to a bar and have a drink (or 5) to celebrate. But, as things are, I'm actually about to go to bed. Anyway, I wanted to give you an update on the blog's content, because, in all honesty, things look pretty blank so far, sigh. I plan on start posting proper content at Saturday the latest. Since I'm going to be pretty busy the next couple of days (I will at least try to drag my lazy self to the gym and I have a small party launched by my company coming up on Friday), I probably won't get the chance to write something at least slightly decent down anytime sooner. 
Till then, I want to provide you with some quotes I deeply adore. I'm sure I've already mentioned that I'm crazy about literature, right? So when I moved to my new apartment a couple of weeks ago, I decided to personalize my room with a couple of nice picture frames. I'm not really one to put actual photos in the frame (instead, I use my pin-board. Yes, I'm totally weird). Instead, I searched Goodreads for quotes from my favorite authors. Of course, I found loads more than the frame can hold, so it was pretty hard to make a decision. I was looking for quotes that make my heart beat faster and that turn the mechanisms of my brain into a happy pink cloud. Unfortunately, the photos don't include the author's name, but you'll be able to find it on Goodreads.
Well anyway, talk to you on the weekend:)

xo Laura

p.s. yes, I do have more make-up brushes. I took the photo right after I had first moved some of my stuff into my room:)

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